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What is a Displaced Uterus?

Writer's picture: Barbara PoczyniakBarbara Poczyniak

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

By Barbara Poczyniak, R.Ac

What does it mean when your uterus becomes displaced? How common is this and should you be worried about it? As it turns out it may be more common than you think, but it is not something most women are aware of. According to the traditional medicine practitioners of Central America, the uterus is at a woman’s true centre. As it is such an important organ, how can a displaced uterus affect her health and wellbeing?

What is the normal position of the uterus?

It is important to know that when we speak of a displaced uterus, it does not necessarily indicate a medical condition such as uterine prolapse. A prolapse is a very pronounced form of displacement, with various stages where the uterus descends from its correct position. Apart from being prolapsed, uterine position may actually change slightly from day to day, and this is still completely within normal range.

The uterus is a hollow, pear shaped organ. In a non-pregnant state, it is approximately 3 inches long, 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick, and weighs about 4 oz. Keep in mind that during menstruation the weight can double to about 8 oz, and in pregnancy up to a maximum weight of 30lbs! This is an organ that is meant to be accommodating, and its walls can stretch to support a growing fetus. It is also one of the strongest muscles in the body, and is capable of incredibly strong contraction movements (both during labour and when it sheds the uterine lining during menstruation).

The uterus is held securely in place by a group of over 10 pelvic ligaments that give it support as well as the ability to move as it needs to during normal physiological functions. Anatomically, it is normally located about 1.5 inches above the pubic bone, leaning very slightly over the bladder. Although the uterus is meant to shift a bit, it should ideally return to the optimal centered position.

However, what is not ideal is when the uterus remains in a sub-optimal position for longer periods. This malpositioning can go on to affect the vital flow of blood supply, lymph, nerve impulse and energy surrounding it. This in turn, can affect the vital flows to both the reproductive and digestive organs.

If the displaced uterus is leaning too far in the direction of the colon or bladder, this can also affect their function. The optimal position of the uterus is one in which both hemodynamics and homeostasis are balanced within the pelvic cavity.

Common Positions of the uterus

Diagram for variants of uterine position. Normal uterus rests on the superior surface of the empty bladder. Normal Uterus Positions: Anteflexed and Anteverted. Abnormal Uterus Positions: Retroflexed and Retroverted

  1. Optimal/centered – centrally located just above the bladder. Space around the centred uterus allows for unobstructed flow of vital fluid and nerve channels around it.

  2. Retroverted/posterior – uterus tilts backwards, leaning towards the colon.

  3. Retroflexed/posterior – uterus tilts backwards, flexing (or slightly folding) onto itself.

  4. Anteflexed position – uterus folds forwards onto itself. More likely to press on top of the bladder.

  5. Left leaning or right leaning positions – uterus leans more so to either the left or right sides of the pelvic cavity.

Technically, a uterus in any of these uncentered positions is considered tilted or prolapsed. Although many women may never be aware of this (or their doctors may minimize the relevance of these findings), it can often relate to a laundry list of physical and emotional symptoms in the body.

When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections. Just a few extra ounces sitting on blood and lymph vessels can cause imbalance throughout different areas and organ systems in the body.

By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to a healthier, balanced state of homeostasis.

Additionally, any old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal may be softened and gradually dissolve with uterine massage. This may also benefit women with fibroids and cysts, as well as improve general circulation in the area.

What are the signs and symptoms of a displaced uterus?

The longer the uterus remains out of its optimal position, the more likely it is that symptoms will develop and become noticeable. Signs and symptoms of a displaced uterus may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Painful periods

  2. Late, early or irregular periods

  3. Dark, thick blood at beginning or end of menstruation

  4. Tired, weak legs or numbness of legs and feet

  5. Fertility challenges

  6. Chronic miscarriages

  7. Frequent/urgent urination

  8. Frequent UTIs

  9. Symptoms of endometriosis

  10. Symptoms of uterine fibroids

  11. Ovarian cysts

  12. PCOS

  13. Constipation

How can Arvigo® Therapy benefit uterine position?

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are an external, non-invasive massage that gently stimulate the circulation and blood flow within the abdominal area as well as lower back. These techniques address the optimum position of the uterus and support the healthy function of both the digestive and reproductive systems. This is an effective therapy to support your reproductive, digestive and emotional health – at all stages of life.

What’s next?

Interested in 100% natural therapies for uterine health? I’m happy to answer your questions about how natural therapies such as Acupuncture and Arvigo® Therapy can help. Book your complimentary 15 minute virtual Meet & Greet to learn more and see if this type of treatment may be a good fit for you.


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