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I first got exposed to TCM and Acupuncture while living and working in Hong Kong in the 2000’s after graduating from university in Toronto, Canada. I caught a terrible sinus infection which I was told by doctors would go away after one round of antibiotics. That was not quite the case. After three rounds, the right side of my face was puffy and badly swollen to the point where I could not open my right eye or hear out of my right ear. Frustrated and still no better after three prescriptions of antibiotics, I was ready to try something radically different from standard western medical treatment. I was referred to an eccentrically brilliant Chinese Medicine Practitioner who, after a few sessions of acupuncture, finally relieved the pain and swelling on my sinuses and my face. After this, I was convinced that Acupuncture was my life’s calling and I decided to go back to school again to learn this incredible healing art. 
My calling took me to Melbourne, Australia where I enrolled in RMIT University and undertook my Bachelors of Applied Science in Human Biology and Traditional Chinese Medicine from 2005 to 2009. I graduated with honours and worked from the time I graduated until 2011 in Bing’s Natural Health, a wonderful privately owned clinic in the Melbournian suburb of Middle Park where I worked extensively with patients who needed support for women’s health issues ranging from fertility and IVF support to helping with gynaecological cases like dysmenorrhea, PMS and menopausal symptom relief.


While visiting home in Toronto in 2010, I fell deeply in love with my newborn niece who was born that same year. I decided that I would return to Toronto the following year to be with my family and managed to get myself back home in August of 2011. I practically hit the ground running since returning to Toronto in 2011, finding employment in acupuncture clinics in the GTA where I was able to continue my work in the field of women’s health.

When acupuncture became regulated by the province of Ontario the year after, I registered with and have since proudly held my title as Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) with the CTCMPAO (The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists). I am also a member of and serve on a team of Board of Directors of CMAAC (The Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada).


I was given this wonderful opportunity to join the Inspired Wellness Team where I hope that I can continue my work using acupuncture as a natural means to alleviate some the symptoms that accompany common women’s gynaecological conditions, in a gentle relaxing setting. After 8 years of working in the field of acupuncture and women’s health, I am still blown away by its ability to restore the body back to a state of natural balance and I look forward to introducing you to its powerful healing benefits.




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If you'd like to book a complimentary meet & greet with Daryl Fang, please give us a call at 416-214-9251 or book it online by clicking the button below!

Daryl Fang, R. Ac.

Hormone Balance | Fertility Support IVF/IUF | Menopause 
Anxiety | Pain Relief
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